I spent a weekend with Jeff Quinn some eight or nine years ago. OK … it wasn’t just the two of us. I was among a group of a half dozen or so other gun-writer types who were invited to test new products at a west-coast optics company.
I hadn’t met Jeff prior to that event, and at that point wasn’t very familiar with his Gunblast.com brand and his easy-going delivery of his firearm evaluations. But after just a few days—no, a few hours—in his company, I knew he was a character I would never forget. Jeff welcomed me as if he’d known me his whole life, and believed my invitation to the event was equally earned by both of us (hardly, and I knew it). As the only woman at an event where most of the male egos were repelling like magnetic polar opposites, Jeff’s magnetism attracted all to him. I was grateful for his kindness. His charm, respectfulness, politeness and willingness to share his knowledge were not patronizing; they were as real as his comic wit and wry humor. There is always someone in the room who is wise enough to know he doesn't have to play any reindeer games, and Jeff was one of them. It was a heartbreaking loss for his family, friends and fans, and the firearm industry, when he passed in 2020.
Jeff’s inherent qualities—honesty, integrity, humility—were reflected in his Gunblast reviews. He was authentic and sincere, and his attention was always on offering his unbiased truth about whatever firearm was in his sights. That is what makes it fitting that his likeness is now being remembered on the Jeff Quinn Memorial Ruger GP100 revolver. The folks at Ruger knew Jeff personally for 20 years, believing in him and encouraging his ideas for his website at a time when most other big gun makers dismissed him. Ruger says this revolver “is a testament to everything Jeff enjoyed about Ruger firearms.”
But there is also a bit of irony in honoring a guy like Jeff Quinn with a gun, where the first thing you notice about it is the his signature and dual-braided beard laser-engraved on the Hogue walnut grip. Jeff undoubtedly would have been extremely proud of the tribute and recognition (Jeff's brother Boge Quinn, in this this Gunblast.com video, says if Jeff were here "he wouldn't be able to get his head in the front door"). But he would also have been very humbled and hoped that you would focus instead on the gun—a beautiful polished blue GP100 chambered in .44 Special—one of his favorite guns and chamberings—and how well it performed. And most of all, he would want you to shoot it, and if you like it, buy it, and keep shooting it.
Here’s what we can tell you about this limited-edition revolver:
Ruger’s Jeff Quinn Memorial GP100, in collaboration with Lipsey's and the members of Gunblast.com, features a high-polish stainless hammer and trigger, a non-fluted cylinder, 4.20" half-lug barrel and gold bead front sight. Only 500 of these exclusive revolvers have been produced, each featuring a unique serial number starting with Jeff's initials (JQ-000 through JQ-500).
Ruger and Lipsey's will each donate a portion of the proceeds from this revolver to an organization that was close to Jeff's heart—Bikers Who Care (BWC), an organization of motorcycle enthusiasts dedicated to supporting The Dream Factory of Clarksville, Tenn., and fully sponsoring Camp Rainbow, a summer camp for seriously ill children, among several other local children's charities. Jeff was a long-time member of BWC and supported their mission with all his heart.
If you like this special gun, don't vacillate on whether to pick one up. Jeff was beloved by so many, there likely won't be enough to fill demand.
For more, visit Ruger.com, Lipseys.com and Gunblast.com.