Give New Shooters the Gifts of Confidence, Safety and Security

These gifts do exist—in the form of an NRA Firearms Training Course!

by posted on November 30, 2021
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Looking to give a gift that could change someone’s life—a gift that has annual returns? How about a gift that can offer safety, security and peace of mind as well? Perhaps these intangibles are what you have always wanted to give to family and friends, but were not sure how to go about doing it.

NRA Women know what I am talking about. We believe in the Second Amendment and the safety, security and peace of mind that our constitutional right to bear arms guarantees. Every NRA Woman, including me, knows someone in our lives to whom we wish we could give these things. If only we could wrap these Second Amendment benefits in a pretty box, top it with a bow and gift it to family members and friends.

Actually, these gifts do exist! Consider giving an NRA Basic Pistol Course, NRA Basic Rifle Course or an NRA Basic Shotgun Course.

Over the years we have taken many special people in our lives to the range to teach them the safe and proper use of firearms. Our goals are always the same: for our family members and friends to gain the same safety, security and peace of mind that we possess. But does it always work?

I am an NRA Certified Pistol, Rifle, and Shotgun Instructor and sometimes have trouble accomplishing these goals when I take someone to the range for a one-on-one lesson. Some people need a complete NRA Firearms Training Course. I often hear from students at the conclusion of class how they never thought they would ever be comfortable around firearms, but are now singing a different tune.

Their stories are always similar. Their husband, boyfriend or someone else tried to teach them and turn them into a “gun person.” But it rarely happens that way. What does work are the NRA Training Courses, which provide the student with a sturdy foundation and the tools to become proficient with firearms. With this foundation, new shooters can obtain the feelings of safety, security and peace of mind.

An NRA Basic Firearm Course achieves these goals through a process. As the student progresses through the different lessons, they reach the goals in stages. These stages are: Confidence, Control, Pride, Empowerment and Self-Reliance.   

There is no greater gift than the gift of confidence. Without confidence, an individual will never be able to perform a specific activity proficiently. The subject or activity does not matter. There are some activities—like knitting or playing cards—whereby if one does not become proficient, there are no serious consequences. But not having confidence in their ability to safely and properly handle firearms can lead to serious consequences.

It is almost impossible to become proficient in firearms without confidence. I have noticed that many of my students who lacked confidence before taking a firearms course actually go on to excel in other areas. Many women students who have completed my NRA Basic Pistol Course wound up not only learning a new skill, but have gone on to seek out shooting clubs for women.

Some of the women have even taken their newfound confidence to the next level, expressing a desire to continue their training with the goal of becoming an NRA Pistol Instructor. Imagine the feeling you get when an individual who reluctantly enters your class is talking about some day becoming an instructor!   

Once new gun owners gain confidence, they soon realize that they are in control of something that was once unknown to them—a mystery, or in some cases, something of which they were once afraid. The firearm transforms from a scary thing into just another tool made of steel, plastic and wood.

When you gain understanding of the unknown or something you onced feared, you conquer it. In other words, you are in control. All students who take the NRA Basic Pistol Course must demonstrate a command of the subject matter.   

The next thing you give someone is pride—pride in themselves for completing a course about which they once had reservations. Pride that each time they shoot, they improve. Pride that they did something that they thought was not possible. Pride that they are now a knowledgeable gun owner.  

Empowerment is strength! By the time many women who are new to firearms finish a pistol class, they are inquiring about different firearms. Some admit they never thought they would be so empowered to actually be considering a firearm of their own choice rather than one suggested by someone else.

The last gift a new gun owner receives from an NRA Firearms Training Course is self-reliance. They leave knowing that they can be responsible for their own safety. Many students inquire about continuing firearms courses such as NRA’s Conceal Carry Workshop (CCW) course, Personal Protection Inside the Home, and Personal Protection Outside the Home.

So you see, you can give gifts that offers life-changing qualities that the recipient will forever hold. 



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