A few minutes was all one would-be car thief needed to make his move on his target, an SUV with toddlers in the back seat. Late one evening, a Houston mother went into a gas station, leaving her car running with her 2-year-old and 4-year-old inside. The woman saw a man get into her car and attempt to drive away, but was able to run back and jump into the passenger seat, ordering the thief to pull over, gesturing toward her children. The kidnapper ignored her demands, and instead accelerated the gas pedal. At that point the woman, in a last-ditch effort to protect herself and her children, pulled her firearm from her glove compartment and shot the aggressor. The man slumped over and drove the SUV into a utility pole. The man survived his injuries and was charged with several crimes. Neither the mother, who would not face charges, nor her children were harmed. (nbcphiladelphia.com, Houston, Texas, 7/6/18)