For the second year in a row, Kalashnikov USA’s (KUSA) sponsored shooter Alaina James placed first in the Ladies category at the Red Oktober Kalashnikov Championships, which took place Oct. 22-23 at Pro Gun Vegas in Boulder City, Nevada. James was the only woman competing in “full kit,” wearing a ballistic plate carrier and helmet. Alaina placed 23rd out of 146 shooters in the Heavy Open division and 7th out of only 35 shooters outfitted with full body armor.
“We’re immensely proud of Alaina’s impressive shooting this year” said Evan Rosenthal, Kalashnikov USA vice president. “Prior to winning again at Red Oktober, she had previously taken the High Ladies’ spot at Kalashnicon and at the AK Masters competitions; she is a force to be reckoned with” he added.
“This was a really challenging match, in windy and dusty conditions, that required intense concentration and stamina. Competing while carrying ballistic plates and a helmet only added to the intensity”, said James. “My KUSA KR-103 7.62x39mm rifle performed flawlessly. Then again, it is a KUSA Kalashnikov, so 100 percent reliability is the norm, not the exception. I’m grateful to Kalashnikov USA for their continued support and to the event staff at Red Oktober who did a fantastic job” she added.