Ask any firearms marketing professionals about the rise in women participating in outdoor activities, and they will tell you that women are now major players. According to the reporting company Statista, the distribution of participants in outdoor activities in the United States from 2015 to 2022, the percentage of women who ventured outside was 46.2 percent. Compared to the percentage of men who engaged in outdoor activities at a high of 54.1 percent, women are not far behind.
According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, women comprise approximately 22 percent of hunters in the United States. That equates to about one in five hunters in the U.S. As the Assistant Hunter Education Coordinator/Specialist and statewide Becoming an Outdoors-Woman Coordinator, I have definitely seen that rise in Texas as well as in my company, North American Outdoors. Women are now taking the initiative themselves to set up their own hunting trips—without men!
It's January as I write this, and the outdoor industry is now in the middle of what is commonly referred to as “convention season.” This is the time of year, across the nation, that hunting clubs are putting on their conventions and expos, where the latest firearms, ammunition, accessories and gear are showcased, and outfitters from across the globe set up their booth space to visit with attendees and offer discounted packages and deals on hunting trips around the world. This has been a truly unique year in the fact I saw many women booking ladies-only hunting trips with their female counterparts. Even the big hunting clubs were rolling out initiatives to attract more women, not just the wives of their existing members.
There still is one area that rests almost exclusively with men. That is the ownership of a double rifle. There are three iconic firearms that are a must-have for any serious gun collector and hunter. These firearms are a vintage 1911, a pre-64 Winchester rifle, and a double rifle. The double rifle is by far the hardest and most expensive to acquire. The double rifle is one of the most exciting firearms to shoot because of the feel, power, and historic past. This was the gun of choice that many of the most renowned hunters that ever ventured into the wilds!
Recently, I have been hearing women express a desire to own one of these iconic rifles, even the ones not planning an African safari. The obstacle with owning a double rifle is the need for quite a bit of disposable income. Names such as Holland & Holland (H&H), John Rigby and Co., and James Purdey & Sons invoke images of some of the most beautiful firearms ever made. These names also come with very hefty price tags ranging from $100,000 to more than $500,000.
There are midrange double rifles, such as Merkels, which can cost between $10,000 to more than $40,000. There are also economy double rifles such as Sabattis, which can be purchased for less than $10,000. I have seen pre-owned Merkel double rifles in great condition for less than $7,000. I have also seen pre-owned Sabatti double rifles in great condition for under $5,000. Just because these two manufacturers are less expensive than H&H, John Rigby and Co., and James Purdey & Sons, does not mean they are not as good or reliable. Both the Sabatti and the Merkel are excellent firearms.
The hesitation by both men and women who want to purchase a double rifle is the fact that they come in the largest calibers available and to most, this means the most recoil. The largest calibers that were chambered in double rifles include .950 JDJ, .700 Nitro Express, and .577 Nitro Express, these being very rare to find. Most of the guns are chambered in such as .500 Nitro Express, .470 Nitro Express, or .375 H&H. Recently, I have seen double rifles being offered in calibers as low as .30-06 Sprg.
Double rifles must have the hinged barrels “regulated.” This means that both barrels must be aligned so that the right and left barrel hits near the aiming point. The hinge allows for longer cartridges than traditional bolt-action rifles.
Double rifles are built on a solid mono-block of steel with dual locking lugs that rotate around an action bar for strength. Action bars activated by the top tang slide forward to lock into the notches of the lugs. It is the thick locking lugs, mono-block, and the action bars that control the torque of large calibers such as the .470 Nitro Express and the .500 Nitro Express.
Whenever a rifle or shotgun has two triggers, the rear trigger should always be pulled first. This prevents “doubling,” which occurs when the first trigger is pulled, and the finger slips and pulls the second trigger immediately after the first shot. In other words, you perform an uncontrolled double-tap.
Double rifles should also have intercept sears and articulated triggers for safety to prevent doubling. An intercept sear blocks the second barrel from discharging by preventing the firing pin from striking because of the jarring caused by the recoil of the first barrel being fired. Intercept sears also prevent the rifle from firing if it is dropped when the internal hammers are cocked.
Articulated triggers also prevent shooter from getting his or her trigger finger from getting bruised or cut when using the rear trigger. An articulated front trigger is hinged so that it can move forward, out of the way when the rear trigger is squeezed and the firearm recoils.
Benefits of Doubles
The biggest benefit of a double rifle is that it is very reliable, especially when tracking dangerous game animals. This is because you are basically carrying two rifles at the same time. This means redundant triggers, firing pins, and other moving parts that can malfunction when you might need them the most!
The downside of carrying two rifles in one is the weight. Fortunately, the weight can also be a benefit because it can absorb much of the felt recoil, allowing the shooter to shoot larger calibers. This means that the hunter does not have to compromise his or her safety when tracking animals with big teeth, claws, and horns.
Most double rifles are relatively short. This allows for easy tracking through brush. It also allows for a quick swing and target acquisition. This is a big plus when you suddenly come face-to-face with your target.
There are some limitations when hunting with a double rifle. Double rifles are 50-yard guns, though they can be effective for up to 100 yards. The hunter must realize that these rifles are not as accurate as bolt-action rifles. This means that you may have to get a little closer than you would like to game animals that can quickly turn the tables on you.
A rifle with good, regulated barrels will have two- to three-inch groupings at 50 yards. This is acceptable accuracy for a double rifle shooting the largest calibers. A three-inch MOA at 50 yards is considered within industry standards.
If you have been wanting a double rifle for your hunt of a lifetime or just to add to your collection, go ahead and pull the trigger! There are models for every budget. Double rifles have never been more within the reach of the average hunter. With a multitude of calibers being offered, double rifles can be used on game from whitetail deer to wild hogs, or the “Big Five” in Africa.