Points of Impact: March 5, 2022

ICYMI: NRA Prevails Over NY AG; Women, Guns & Ukraine; Home-Defense .410 Shotguns ...

by posted on March 5, 2022
Target With Rifle Holes

At the top of our lineup this week is a major court victory for NRA. A New York court struck down attempts by the New York Attorney General to dissolve the 150-year-old organization. The Hon. Joel M. Cohen of the New York State Supreme Court issued an opinion that vindicates the NRA’s position: The NYAG’s effort to shut down the Association ran afoul of common sense, New York law, and the First Amendment. Read more here!

That's not the only big NRA news this week! Your NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) partnered with the California Rifle & Pistol Association (CRPA) yesterday to petition the Supreme Court to hear a challenge to California's ban on magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. Get the details here.

She is armed and she is ready to fight ... Those words are not a description of the many women profiled on this site, or an Armed Citizen® entry (although it could be), but rather the words told to FOX News Channel by Kira Rudick, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament. She is also a member of the Ukrainian resistance. Read more here

On the topic of Ukraine: In the year 1919, an English poet named Rudyard Kipling penned a poem called “The Gods of the Copybook Headings” that many of us, a century later, would find eerily prophetic. There’s a particular stanza in the poem that should strike close to home for NRA Women—and everyone who follows the history of gun-rights infringement worldwide. Whether it's here or in Eastern Europe ...

All women who shoot competitively are warriors, but there are few as skilled and determined as Lia Coryell, America’s first—and, to date, only—female W1 Paralympic archery champion. Get inspired by her story here.

Women are socially conditioned to be polite people-pleasers. That’s OK in general, but it can put you in danger if you try to play nice with someone who has ill intent. In the worst-case scenario, your nice-girl syndrome can actually make you vulnerable to a criminal who might be sizing you up as a potential victim. Find out what "Nice Girl Syndrome" is, and how to overcome it, here

Discussing the use of .410-bore shotguns for home defense often ruffles some feathers. “You should get a 12-gauge shotgun,” they say. “That's the best shotgun for the job!” This sentiment is not untrue, but it's also not complete. Do .410-bore shotguns make sense for home defense?

There's a new must-listen podcast on the scene! By the Horns, which premiers March 1, 2022, will be hosted by Taurus Shooting Team Captain Jessie Harrison and Shooting Team Member K.C. Eusebio. In this monthly podcast, listeners will enjoy a broad range of topics and stories from the range to adventures from the field presented by two of the world’s top professional shooters. Learn more here!


Horman SHOT 2025 Gallery Lede
Horman SHOT 2025 Gallery Lede

New Guns: Cool Finds from SHOT Show 2025

Some are saying there's not much new under the sun in the shooting market this year. We disagree. Check out this diverse selection of what's new for 2025.

New Guns 2025: Smith & Wesson CSX E-Series Pistols

S&W has implemented upgrades to its popular CSX pistol, making it the line's most versatile 9mm to date. 

Hunting Rifles: Make Mine a Double!

Now's the time to pull the trigger—or two—and get that double rifle.

Italy’s Claudia Tagliaferri Ricci Receives 2025 NRA-Sponsored SCI Diana Award

The award was presented at the annual Safari Club International Convention in Nashville.

New Guns 2025: Smith & Wesson Model 36 Classic Revolver

This revolver chambered in .38 Special is a throwback to the iconic carry-size revolvers that made Smith & Wesson famous in the mid 20th century.

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