It’s called “bullet jewelry,” but yes, we know—no bullet exists in any of these stylish earrings, bracelets or necklaces. Nonetheless, the number of crafty individuals who have been collecting spent brass on the range and adding a sparkly jewel has grown significantly, creating a popular niche gift item for female firearm enthusiasts and Second Amendment supporters. Bullet Designs (top image) features jewelry made out of casings from freshly fired ammo, and some are even adorned with genuine Swarovski crystals. Starting prices are so affordable (about $19.95) you can put a few different items into your shopping cart without feeling guilty. For a more traditional look resembling fine jewelry, check out Sword and Plough’s Brass .50 Caliber Disc Earrings, which are made from solid brass that has been hammered from .50-cal. shell casings ($69). What’s more, 10 percent of the company’s profits go to veterans’ organizations.
So if you’re away from Mom or a woman you love on this Mother's Day, you can still send a special gift to let her know you’re thinking of her, and include this special gift message: “My love for you is bulletproof!”