NRA Moms: Register Your Teen for the 2025 NRA Whittington Center Adventure Camp

Don't let your teenage son or daughter miss out on the outdoor adventure of a lifetime!

by posted on February 22, 2024
Nra Whittington Center Adventure Camp Main

Note: The 2024 NRA Whittington Center Adventure Camp is already sold out, but you can join a waitlist here. So you don't miss out on next year's camp, sign up now for the 2025 camp!

Since 1988, more 2,900 men and women, from all parts of the United States, Canada, and the world have attended the NRA Whittington Adventure Camp, arriving as kids and leaving as responsible citizens. The common thread that connects all together is their love of the outdoors, a sense of adventure, and a true quest for knowledge of recreational/competitive shooting, camping, and hunting.

The "Adventure" takes place each summer at America’s Premier Outdoor Recreation Destination, the NRA Whittington Center, just outside Raton, New Mexico. The Center encompasses 33,300 acres and is situated in the high desert foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, where the High Plains meet the Rocky Mountains. The historic Mountain Route of the Santa Fe Trail also runs through the property.

The Adventure Camp is offered in two consecutive, 13-day sessions, beginning in mid-June and ending in mid July. Each session hosts up to 56 campers between the ages of 13 and 17. Camp utilizes an all-volunteer staff of instructors and counselors. Campers are divided into small groups to allow for hands-on individual instruction and personal mentoring.

Adventure Camp instructors and counselors are outstanding as well. All have been trained and certified, many are experts in their fields, and most return year after year. All counselors are former Adventure Campers, who have completed the counselor-in-training program and have qualified to become certified counselors themselves. All have a true love and respect for the outdoors and their country.

Adventure Camp’s underlying purpose has been and still is to teach the safe use and stewardship of firearms.

Firearm training takes place at the Whittington Center’s 18 world-class ranges. Campers train in-classroom, on-range, and in the wild on proper firearm and archery safety, shooting fundamentals, firearm care and cleaning, and practical marksmanship and ballistics, with a variety of handguns, short and long-range rifles, shotguns, muzzleloaders, and archery equipment.

The age-appropriate, comprehensive New Mexico State Hunter’s Education program complements full spectrum firearms training with an emphasis on safety first, hands-on firearms fundamentals. Leadership, patriotism, marksmanship, respect, teamwork and camaraderie are also emphasized in the program.

The hunting curriculum focuses on the development of hunting ethics and responsibilities, basic wilderness and survival skills, knife use, camp preparation and cooking, game care and tracking. The hunting and outdoor skills learned in the classroom will be used in a three-day campout complete with a walk through hunt using steel targets.

During their stay, each camper will fire mote than 1,400 rounds as part of a curriculum that focuses specifically on:

  • High Power Rifle—Silhouette
  • Long Range Rifle—up to a mile
  • Trap, Skeet and Sporting Clays
  • Muzzleloader—Bullseye and Silhouette
  • Pistol—Bullseye and Silhouette
  • Archery—Target and 3-D

To complete the course and earn the NRA Whittington Adventure Camp Certificate of Completion, each camper must demonstrate the safe handling of their firearms and the shooting skills acquired in the classes during the walk-through hunt. A special awards banquet is held the final evening of camp, friends and family are encouraged to attend.

The cost of the camp is $1,300, which includes meals, lodging, ammunition, prizes and expert instruction. For more information and applications for upcoming camps, please visit, under youth programs.

Here are a few testimonials about the Adventure Camp:

“The Adventure Camp came into being in 1988 as the result of a weeklong planning session at NRA Headquarters between junior shooting leaders from the Boy ScoutsofAmerica, 4-H, NRA and the Church of Christ. At the outset I challenged the group to create the most comprehensive junior shooting program ever devised. I am proud to say that the Whittington Adventure Camp has fulfilled that challenge. There is not another junior program in the nation that compares.” Mike Ballew, former Executive Director and Founder of ADVC.

“During my career with the industry, the Adventure Camp always meant a way to help the youth camp with products and assist them with costs related to the youth attending. It was a way to invest in our future and give the kids a great experience. Adventure Camp means our future, our 2nd Amendment fighters and voters. This is a great program and should be invested by all.” Cyndi Flannigan, Nebraska, Executive Director Youth Shooting Sports Alliance.

“The NRAWC youth ADVC has given me faith that the future of America and her liberties will remain intact for many generations.” —Dan Bradford, NM-ADVC Rifle Instructor/Camp Director. 2012-2019.

“Long story short, ADVC introduced me to family I’d never met and filled holes in my heart I didn’t know I had.” Kristen Whaley, OK—Cook Skills/ Administrative Assistant. 2016-2019. “It was very rewarding while I was there to see the young adults grow in just two weeks at each session. Many parents commented their child had matured so much and wanted to return. I have promised my grandchildren a chance to attend when eligible.” James N Campolo, WA- Rifle and Archery Instructor. 2007-2014. “This camp is much more than what meets the eye. This camp has given me a second family and has made me who I am today. You make friends with the same beliefs and interests, but come from very different walks of life. I truly believe that this is the best camp in the world”. Kyle Harberson, TX. —Camper/Counselor 2014- 2019.

“I was in the second session of the first ADVC and my life has neverbeen the same. The NRA Whittington Center Adventure Camp is a world-class camp where our youth gain the skills necessary tohandle firearms safely in multiple disciplines while allowing them to experience the outdoors in a setting that is absolutely breathtaking.” —Dana McBee, TX/NM Camper 1988.

“Adventure Camp wasn’t just a camp, it was my family for five years. I would count down the days until I got to return. I made some of my best friends at camp and we still talk today. I know when my kids are old enough, we will be sending them to ADVC to grow and learn like we did.”—Rebecca Jensen, NM- Camper/Counselor 2008-2013.

“Our son, Ethan Hutt, was given the gift of attending ADVC by his grandfather when he was 14 years old. We attended the Awards Banquet and had never been so proud of him up to that time, our son came back a changed “MAN.” Ethan returned to New Mexico and worked each summeruntil graduation when he enlisted into the United States Marine Corps, where he continued to excel with his leadership skills. The familyof experts and role models at the Whittington Center ADVC are extraordinary, the expectations are incredibly high to be a success and a leader. Ethan has made life-long friends from his years at ADVC that he still sees and spends time with. Thank you from our entire family for the time Ethan was able to spend at ADVC." —Carrie and Pat Dawes, CA.

“ADVC has been and continues to be one of the most impactful events in my life. Thanks to ADVC, I know more American history, hunter safety, outdoor skills, ethics, etc. Most importantly, I have developed a stronger sense of Leadership, Patriotism and Camaraderie. I have seen the workings of camp from camper, counselor and program director perspectives. As program director, nothing was as rewarding as seeing my counselors- my “camp family”—work together with such love and passion for teaching campers the very things I was taught as a camper. I am grateful for the skills, values, and relationships from ADVC that have become such a major part of my life.” —Jamie Barraclough, TX/NM Camper/ Counselor/Program Director 2015-2019.

“When I started this job 10 years ago, I had no idea on the impact it would have in my life. Getting to know the instructors and counselors has been a privilege. Watching the young men and women grow and mature into the leaders of their generation has been very rewarding. The leadership, patriotism, manners and respect shown gives me great hope for our future generations. I look forward to many more years and count the days till my FAMILY arrives every summer.” —Eric Whaley, NRAWC Event Coordinator/ADVC Coordinator.


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