Points of Impact: April 17, 2021

In Case You Missed It: 10 Guns You Want (& 4 You Don't), Gun-Culture Shock With Ginny Thrasher ...

by posted on April 17, 2021
Target With Rifle Holes

At the top of our lineup this week are two separate articles for women in the market for a handgun. Of course, only you can determine what pistol is right for you, but looking at the guns that other women enjoy the most is a really great place to start. Towards that end, you should check out The Well Armed Woman's Top 10 Guns of 2020!

Ah, but there's another side to that equation, isn't there? If those are 10 guns you may very well want to call your own someday, what are the guns you really don't want (especially if you're a newbie)? Columnist Jo Deering is on the case with the four guns that beginning shooters should avoid.

Maybe you already own a defensive handgun. But how often do you actually go to the range and practice shooting? And when you do, do you simply stand in front of a target and poke holes in paper? Get out of that shooting rut and become a better handgunner in the process: Compete in International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) competitions

The shooting sports allow people to compete side-by-side on the same level regardless of age, gender, race or other factors that can traditionally divide. Serena Juchnowski explores the ways that guns truly are the great equalizer...

Competitive shooting is a hobby for most of us, but for Olympic Gold Medalist Ginny Thrasher, it's a way of life ... and a way to represent America while exploring the whole world. What's "gun culture shock" like?
The surprisingly down-to-earth (and funny!) Thrasher fills us in.

For plinking, pest control and just plain fun you really can't beat a .22-caliber handgun, and that's part of why so many Americans want to know if you can use a .22-caliber handgun for self-defense. The short answer to that question is "no" with a "but"; the long answer to that question is "yes" with an "and." Federal Premium wants to make that answer simpler. Here's how.

Theoretically, there ought to be a comfort zone in which any stranger that enters becomes highly suspect. Crooks like to get close to their target, the closer the better. "Social distancing" has made the process of protecting our personal space easier for the last year (an odd silver lining limning to the COVID-19 pandemic), but that's coming to an end. Sheriff Jim Wilson has some tips to bolster your bubble.

For most of us, when we think of our personal home safety plans we instantly think door locks, security systems, restricted access to our communities and maybe even we lump our dogs into the plan. All of these are important, but our friends at Shoot Like a Girl have some more tips you should check out.



Top Selling Handguns 2024 Lede (1)
Top Selling Handguns 2024 Lede (1)

2024's Top-Selling Handguns

The year 2024 was exceptional for the array of handguns offered to law-abiding citizens. Which was America's favorite? Checkout the Top 10 list here, as compiled by GunGenius.

New Guns 2025: Charter Arms Double Dog

NRA's American Rifleman got a first look at the new Charter Arms Double Dog. Check it out here.

What’s the Difference: Bolt Throw Angle

Does the bolt throw angle on your rifle matter? What’s the difference between the different angles?


What’s a Scout Rifle?

You may have heard the term, but what’s the actual definition of a scout rifle? Should you want to own one?

The Armed Citizen Reload® January 17, 2025

Read more about three women who successfully fended off attackers with their firearms.

New Guns 2025: Heckler & Koch CC9 Pistol

It's a concealable 9 mm pistol from H&K, but what makes this new gun most notable?

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