Points of Impact: November 7, 2020

: Just in case you missed it, we’ve bulleted some items of gun news you can use!

by posted on November 7, 2020
Target With Rifle Holes

This week, we’re all still waiting for the final result of the 2020 Presidential Election. That may be the biggest question on our minds, but it’s certainly not the only thing going on. There’s also that minor matter of a global pandemic; its latest victim is the 2021 Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show. Under normal circumstances, the SHOT Show is where we learn about all of this year’s hottest new releases. This year, it’s going to be a bit different, but rest assured that we’re still going to have the inside scoop on all the guns and gear you’ll love. 

Speaking of which, if you have a special firearm on your holiday list, you may want to think about ordering it now. That’s because October figures released by the FBI indicate 2020’s firearm demand has not slowed from its previous record-setting pace. The National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) adjusted NICS numbers reflect a 60.1-percent increase in purchases last month—compared to the same period last year. No sign of stopping

Shh…what’s that? It’s your target, trying to tell you something. Over the last few weeks we’ve run some expert advice about what it means when your groupings are left of center and right of center. But what if they’re just all over the place? Here’s what it means when your target looks more like a connect-the-dots game than anything else

Have you ever whistled the theme song from “Jeopardy” to tease someone who’s having a hard time remembering something, or who seems to be missing a very basic piece of knowledge? Well, our friends at America’s 1st Freedom are fans of the show, and they noticed something interesting last week. Seems even Alex Trebek isn’t aware that the AR in AR-15 stands for “Armalite Rifle.” Doo-dee-doo-dee-doo-dee-doo

Ask any woman what she did this week to avoid unwanted sexual attention or an assault. The answers will be varied but, rest assured, there will be some kind of answer. Then ask a man, and you will likely be met with a blank stare. Unfortunately, examples of women being victimized are endless. And in that, we really arrive at a crucial waypoint in the issue of self-protection. How can a woman identify behavior that suggests she is a target? And what should she do? It starts by forgetting politeness

Hunting seasons are either underway or about to be nationwide. We know how badly you want to be in that blind, but before you head out, make sure you haven’t forgotten anyone. Yes, we said “anyone”! One of the most important things you can do for the future of the sport and the Second Amendment is introduce a friend or family member to hunting. This article from our friends at NRA Family focuses on mentoring youth, but the advice applies to any new hunter. Happy Hunting!

If you’ve been hunting for a while, of course, you know that there are old bucks, and bold bucks, but no old, bold bucks. We don’t know how they know the very moment rifle season begins, but they do—and then they go nocturnal. Our very own Melissa Bachman has a trick to keep them from doing that, and it works. Here’s how to make bucks come out during legal shooting hours.

Maybe you’re more into waterfowl than big game, or perhaps you’d really rather just bust clays all day long. Either way, if you’re into shotgunning, then here’s some information you can use: Most shotgun instructors say that proper shotgun fit is 50 percent—yes, half—of your potential for success. Most shotguns come from the factory ready to fit a man who’s about 5’9”, so chances are very good that you’re already missing part of the formula for success (and maybe more clays than you’d like). Here’s what to do.





Drawing From Ccw Purse Donna Anthony
Drawing From Ccw Purse Donna Anthony

Buds Gun Shop Teams up with Firearms Expert Donna Anthony for Purse Conceal-Carry Class

Gun Tote’n Mamas has announced the collaboration of this free course, "Purse/Bag/Sling: How to Use Your Conceal Carry," which provides an invaluable opportunity to train on how to properly handle, draw and holster a gun from a concealed-carry purse.

November Kicks Off 2nd NRA Annual Wild Game Meat Donation Month

NRA is a longtime proud advocate and supporter of the Hunters for the Hungry/Hunters Sharing the Harvest network.

5 Ways to Celebrate National Ruger Day

Looking for a few ways to celebrate one of America's most iconic gun makers? Here are some ideas.

The Armed Citizen® Reload October 21, 2024

A Mississippi woman was beaten and abused by her boyfriend for 10 hours straight—but enough was enough. 

New for 2024: Charter Arms Double Dog Dares You

First in the new Double Dog revolver series is the Mag Pug Combo, a combination of the Mag Pug and Pit Bull chamberings. 

Team Staccato’s Michelle Viscusi Wins High Lady at USPSA Area 4 Championship

A total of 450 shooters, including 145 in Limited Optics division and 7 ladies, participated in the competition.

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