A mother was carjacked in broad daylight—surrounded by witnesses and cameras—after pulling in to her 8-year-old daughter’s school. As she waited for her, the woman was suddenly confronted by two young thugs pointing guns at her. She was able to quickly exit the car, but had the foresight to take her purse, which contained her concealed-carry pistol.
The getaway driver, seemingly as inexperienced at driving as the pair was at carjacking, revved the engine a few times in an attempt to drive away, but remained stuck in neutral. Agitated by their mistake, they began firing their guns at the woman multiple times, miraculously missing her. However, the woman managed to access her firearm from her pocketbook and returned fire, hitting one of the ruffians. Police found the vehicle on the side of the road the following day, but it remained in police custody as it contained blood stains from the injured carjacker. The pair remained at large as of this writing.
The victim told local reporters, “The first mistake, is they picked the wrong one,” and “they definitely didn’t expect what they got, and that was for me to shoot back.” The victim also reported that her credit card company declined two fast-food delivery charges for $31 on a card left inside the vehicle. The woman and her child are physically OK, and she claims there is a life lesson that we can all learn from: “Be aware of your surroundings; be ready at all times.” (wreg.com, Memphis, Tenn., 05/22/21)
Around 1 a.m. on a Saturday, a man hit a woman on the back of the head, knocking her down, and continuing to kick her while she was on the ground. Then the attacker began choking the victim while threatening to kill her. The woman was able to draw a small firearm she had on her person and shoot him once in the chest. The aggressor stopped choking her and fell to the side. The woman called 9-1-1 and attempted to render aid until police arrived. The man died on the scene, but the victim is OK. (wdtv.com, Lewis County, W.Va., 06/19/21)