A man who crashed his car and fled into a wooded area eventually emerged, approaching a couple outside their home. The stranger initiated an argument with the male homeowner, ultimately attacking him. However, his wife, a legal CCW holder, drew her firearm and ordered the aggressor to stop. Ignoring her commands, he charged at her. The woman fired five shots at the aggressor, hitting him three times. The homeowners and their neighbors administered first aid on the attacker until authorities arrived. He was last listed in critical condition. (myfox28columbus.com, Columbus, Ohio, 10/30/21)
A 74-year-old woman came home to find her front door ajar. When she stepped inside she noticed multiple items out of place. While she was surveying the scene, an unknown man appeared from inside the house, forcing her to draw her personal firearm. The homeowner was able to hold the intruder at gunpoint until police arrived and arrest the would-be burglar. (krcrtv.com, Ferndale, Calif., 11/12/21)