Points of Impact: December 12, 2020

Just in case you missed it, we’ve bulleted some items of gun news you can use!

by posted on December 12, 2020
Target With Rifle Holes

This week, we’re looking forward to the holidays and focusing on the things that are most important to us: our loved ones, our freedom and our health. In the era of COVID-19, the emphasis on health is more important than ever…and this stressful time of year can leave you less able to fight off any infection. Ask any doctor what she recommends, and she’ll tell you: Get plenty of rest, plenty of exercise and plenty of good, nutritious food. But did you know that all of the above will improve your performance as a shooter, too? It’s true, so don’t miss this excellent article from Maureen Sangiorgio: Fueling the Female Shooter.

Did we also mention that this time of year it’s a really good idea to take some time to rest and unwind? We invite you to explore the life story of Ernest Hemingway, one of the greatest writers of the Twentieth Century—and one of the most celebrated hunters—in this retrospective from our friends atNRA Family, Throwback Thursday: Hemingway’s Guns.

Little more than a century after the term shotgun was coined in Kentucky by a nameless American longhunter, pigeons had become a game for the whole family, attracting intellectuals, politicos and shotgun sharps of every depth. Ernest Hemingway visited the pigeon rings of Spain while gathering material for his fictions and his nonfictions on war and bullfighting, to include the seminal Death in the Afternoon. From the tradition of pigeon box shooting came a new shooting sport, called “Helice.” Want to learn more about the sport—and Shea Self, the first woman to take the Helice championship title? Click here and our friends at Shooting Sports USA will take care of the rest.

Hemingway, of course, was something of a daredevil. He hunted lions, ran with the bulls in Pamplona, and had adventures most of us can only dream about. But did you know that one of his closest shaves with death came at the hands of a very careless Hollywood socialite? Mary Raye Hawks, wife of film director Howard Hawks, was handling a 16-gauge Browning Auto-5 less than safely when it went off, barely missing Hemingway. That is the sort of thing that would get you kicked out of hunting camp immediately these days…but what about the sorts of things that just annoy everyone? You know who we’re talking about. “That Girl.” The one who goes to hunting camp and does stuff like this.

Also high on the list of holiday priorities is, of course, your safety. We know that robberies and home invasions increase during these last days of the year. But you also have to realize that ordinarily good folks are getting awfully stressed out. They’ll be letting their anger and frustrations get the best of them. They’ll do stupid things. And they will do things that place other’s lives in danger. Here are some thoughts on safeguarding yourself during this busy time from our friends at Shooting Illustrated.

This time of year is also a great time to think about charitable giving. Nationwide shutdowns from the pandemic in 2020 have challenged the Friends of NRA, a 100-percent grassroots fundraising effort benefitting the shooting sports, but organizers have found ways to keep the momentum going. Women on Target, the NRA School Shield Program, the Eddie Eagle Gun Safe Program and 4-H shooting sports clubs are just a few of the many local and national programs that benefit from the Friends of NRA’s fundraising efforts. Click here to learn more!

One of the most challenging things about being new to shooting sports is that so much of the information available in books, magazines and on-line articles is written for readers who already know the lingo. This is especially true when it comes to reading performance tables found in NRA publications. Thing is, those performance tables will tell you a lot about whether or not the gun being discussed might be right for you. Here’s how to read them.

Last, but not least, we’re reminded that the 2020 elections aren’t over. As both of Georgia’s elections for the U.S. Senate head toward a January runoff election, it’s important to look at where the remaining candidates stand on your Right to Keep and Bear Arms. As neither candidate reached the 50% threshold Georgia requires to win the seat, the runoff election will now be held on January 5, 2021. Georgians need to show up en masse to make their voices heard in this election, as well as in the race between Sen. David Perdue (R) and Jon Ossoff (D). These elections are absolutely critical toward defending our freedom. Click here for the full rundown.




Drawing From Ccw Purse Donna Anthony
Drawing From Ccw Purse Donna Anthony

Buds Gun Shop Teams up with Firearms Expert Donna Anthony for Purse Conceal-Carry Class

Gun Tote’n Mamas has announced the collaboration of this free course, "Purse/Bag/Sling: How to Use Your Conceal Carry," which provides an invaluable opportunity to train on how to properly handle, draw and holster a gun from a concealed-carry purse.

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The Armed Citizen® Reload October 21, 2024

A Mississippi woman was beaten and abused by her boyfriend for 10 hours straight—but enough was enough. 

New for 2024: Charter Arms Double Dog Dares You

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