At the top of our lineup this week is columnist Heidi Lyn Rao's two-part series on the importance of shotgun choke. The shotgun’s choke is probably the most misunderstood component of the shotgun itself, and that misunderstanding can lead to some serious safety concerns. Here's why you need to know about shotgun choke, and here's what you need to do to stay safe.
We hunters love to take pictures of ourselves with the animals we shoot. But too often, we rush the photo process so we can move on to the next step, and we end up with pictures that could have looked so much better if we’d taken just a little bit of time to set them up more thoughtfully. Want to shoot with a camera as well as you do with a gun? Check out Jo Deering's tips here.
“When is the right time to introduce my daughter to hunting?” There are many factors involved in this decision, such as age, maturity and even family traditions. It is important that the youngster is ready for the experience. Oftentimes, it is the parent or guardian who is not ready—not the young hunter! When is it time to introduce a kid to hunting?
Perhaps, the earlier the better! Nineteen-year-old Karen Shedd of Eloy, Arizona, began shooting 10 years ago at the age of 9. Her family began a Scholastic Clay Target Program/4-H program on her grandfather’s farm, and her dad volunteered as a coach before Karen was even old enough to participate. “At the age of 4 I started going with my dad to watch him coach," says Team Krieghoff's newest shooter.
The NRA Whittington Center, in Raton, New Mexico, is the crown jewel in America's shooting spots. Home to 18 shooting ranges and sitting on top of some of America's most beautiful and historic land, there's quite a tale behind the creation of the Whittington. Find out how the NRA and the folks of Raton found, cut and set NRA's "crown jewel."
Do you really need to carry a spare magazine or speed loader for your concealed-carry handgun? Find out why it may be very well "worth the weight" to tote some extra ammo with you every day.
Firearms played a vital role in America’s settlement and expansion, and American women were no strangers to their use—and even their manufacture and repair. Both the necessity to hunt and the need for protection from the sometimes hostile native culture made firearms a crucial component in the American experience. Read about the "silk and steel" of American frontier women here.
A trio of companies have recently entered or expanded their offerings in the commercial ammunition market. The news comes at a time when cartridges, shotshells and components unavailable during the shortage of 2020 are finally reappearing, although the trend remains jeopardized by the spread of COVID-19’s Delta variant and other factors. Want to learn more? Of course you do!